Mental Health
Need to talk to someone?
The Mind mental health worker can help patients over the age of 16 who are concerned about their well-being and mental health this may include such things as:
- Someone who is anxious and low in mood
- Those who have suffered an upsetting life event
- Young people who are self-harming
- Carers who are stress and overwhelmed
- Those with a mental health diagnosis including serious mental illness
These appointments are bookable by our receptionists and doctors & held via telephone due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
They even have a webchat now if you don't feel like talking. The chat is open on weekdays between 9:30am and 4:30pm where they have a dedicated team waiting to offer advice, support and information for all of their services. To access the chat, click the small pop-up in the bottom left of the screen on their website.
Hampshire and IOW Children and Young People Crisis line 0300 303 1590. For more information poster and leaflet.