Useful Information!

Telephone Numbers

Adult Mental Health Services - 01256 316 300
Boots Pharmacy, Chineham - 01256 471414
Boots Pharmacy, Hook - 01256 762497
Carers Direct - 0808 802 0202
Candover Clinic - 01256 315010
Citizens Advice Bureaux - 0808 278 7901
Day Lewis Pharmacy, Old Basing - 01256 477267
Dementia Advice Service - 0800 888 6678
Hampshire Dental Line - 0845 050 8345
Hampshire Macmillan Citizens Advice - 0344 847 7727
Hart Voluntary Action - 01252 815652
King Street Dental Practice - 01256 703251
NHS 111 - 111
Mental Health urgent help (not emergency) - 111
Emergency - 999
North Hampshire Hospital, Basingstoke  - 01256 473202
NSPCC Helpline - 0800 800 500
Odiham Care Group - 07551 587862  or 01256 704713
Odiham and Old Basing Health Centres 01256 702371
Princess Royal Trust for Carers - 01264 835246
Red Cross Fleet - 01252 810774
Rural East ICT (District Nurses) - 0300 003 0022
Samaritans - 116 123
The Hampshire Clinic, Old Basing - 01256 357111
Touch Wood Pharmacy, Odiham - 01256 702218
Whitewater Pharmacy, Hook - 01256 760699

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Healthier Together
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